Ceres ILO is coming…


What is an Initial Liquidity Offering?

An Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO) is the sale of a token to provide the first liquidity pool for trading on a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). In a DEX there is no centralised authority so a mechanism called Automatic Market Maker (AMM) is used to facility trading and “swapping” between buyers and sellers. This is where an Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO) comes into the picture. In an ILO, a new token is offered to buyers who agree to contribute to the liquidity pool so the AMM can function.

CERES Dual Initial Liquidity Offering

Ceres will have two ILOs that will each sell CERES simultaneously to bootstrap the initial trading of Ceres Token on two different Decentralised Exchanges (Polkaswap & Uniswap). Here are the full details:

Available ILO Supply: 12.000 CERES

ILO Sale price: $41,67 USD = 1 CERES

Listing price: $50,00 USD = 1 CERES

Start of ILO: 22nd August at 13:00 UTC

Finish of ILO: 29th of August at 13:00 UTC

Participating Exchanges: Uniswap and Polkaswap

Accepted Cryptocurrencies: Ethereum (ETH) and Sora (XOR)

Soft cap: $250.000 USD

Hard cap: $500.000 USD

Ethereum ILO Contribution Information

Token Info

● Symbol: CERES
● Type: ERC20
● Decimals: 18

● ILO price: $41,67 USD/0,0136 ETH = 1 CERES

● Listing price on Uniswap: $50,00 USD/0,0163 ETH = 1 CERES

● Minimum buy-in per wallet: 0,0136 ETH

● Maximum buy-in per wallet: 5 ETH

Sora ILO Contribution Information

Token Info

● Symbol: CERES
● Type: XOR-SS58
● Decimals: 18

● ILO price: $41,67 USD/0,21 XOR = 1 CERES

● Listing price on Polkaswap: $50,00 USD/0,25 XOR = 1 CERES

● Minimum buy-in per wallet: 0,21 XOR

● Maximum buy-in per wallet: 80 XOR

Few more tips

● ILO with link to participate and wallets for ETH and XOR will be published on 22nd August at 13:00 UTC on the our official website cerestoken.io

● CERES tokens will be sent back to the sending address once the ILO is finished

● Do not send less than 0,21 XOR or 0,0136 ETH

● Do not send more than 80 XOR or 5 ETH

● Make sure you use your OWN address (which you have access to the private keys) and NOT an exchange address.

● Mistakes cannot be refunded

● Cap overflow will be refunded

● Funds sent after announcement that ILO is finished will not be refunded

● All unsold tokens will be burned

Hashi Bridge for Ceres token

The proposal to add Ceres to the Sora side of the Hashi Bridge passed successfully, Ceres is successfully added on ETH side of the Hashi Bridge too.

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Ceres | DeFi Service Provider on Polkadot
Ceres | DeFi Service Provider on Polkadot

Written by Ceres | DeFi Service Provider on Polkadot

Ceres is developing DeFi services and utilities in DotSama ecosystem.

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